In ""

They have one of these at the buffet in the new Indian casino here in Tulsa, OK. Truth be told, it tasted pretty good on the one or two pieces of fruit I tried it on. It is mostly sanitary in the sense that if you follow the rules you put food item on a toothpick and then in the fountain. The thing is, there isn't anything telling you what can and cannot be put on a toothpick so that I am going to be sorely tempted if I go back to get a nice slice of roast beef, make sure it is dripping in au jus, place it on a toothpick, and get it nice and covered in chocolate.

In "Is this the Best?"

middleclasstool: check out this guide for ripping and compressing to mp3. Although it can take forever sometimes, I've had Exact Audio Copy make a perfect rip of cd's that looked like someone had taken a belt-sander to them. Also, Mp3Tag is great for tagging. Oh, and Winamp is the shiznite. I'd pretty much echo what psychobum said. I can't think of anything that Winamp and Mp3Tag together can't do that iTunes can except hog your memory. While foobar2000 had some good aspects to it, it had oddities that ended up making it a little too frustrating to use -- the volume slider problem, for one.

In "Amazon offering used condoms."

Although, to be honest, it looks as if every item has the "Order it used" button on the side.

Used douches? Yeah, we got that.

In "Curious George"

Yes! Others that appreciate Earth Abides. Beautiful book who's mood was made even better by reading it while on the night shift in a lab where I was almost always alone. Fantastic book. Also vote++ for I Am Legend and A Canticle for Lebowitz.

In "I, Robot: Classics Butchery Vol. 284."

What, like a movie version of the Free State Project or are we talking the more fun, violent type, poo flinging kind of coup?

Hi, first comment here on MoFi. This is something that has brought back my rage in recent times, what with Asimov being who brought me into reading some of the good sci-fi (and he was a fellow biochemist to boot!). I was going to make a comment here on how a large portion of my non-geek friends are quite fond of Bicentennial Man, but checking the box office results over at IMDB shows that it made $7 million less than its budget so I guess that there is an unfortunate precedent for fubaring Asimov's stories.

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)